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Carbon Sulphidotelluride, CSTe

By passing an arc for some time under carbon disulphide between a graphite cathode and an anode of tellurium containing 10 per cent, of graphite, a reddish-brown solution is obtained which, by repeated fractional extraction with carbon disulphide vapour in a special apparatus, yields a distillate consisting of a dilute solution of Carbon Sulphidotelluride, CSTe. After drying this solution with phosphorus pentoxide and concentrating on a water-bath, using a fractionating column, the pure product may be separated by cooling below -30° C. and protecting from strong light.

Carbon sulphidotelluride forms yellowish-red crystals, melting at -54° C. to a brilliant red liquid of high refractive power. It rapidly decomposes at room temperature. The vapour has a slightly penetrating garlic odour, and when inhaled causes the breath to have a strong garlic odour for a considerable time afterwards. Cryoscopic and ebullioscopic measurements in carbon disulphide and benzene give a molecular weight in agreement with the foregoing formula. The compound is very sensitive towards light, in which decomposition takes place even at -50° C.

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